Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Out with my whoressss! I need to post more. I really am still an alcoholic. I'll try to add more! Its summer! This is understandable.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Nigh of May 18th

OOOooo boy! Was last night a goooood night or what?!

Not only was it a beautiful day, i met Seether! Wooop! Well 3/4 members! After their show in La Crosse, WI, they decided to head to lovely 3rd street!
Anyway, day started off with a nice bike ride, then to play some volleyball (which for me means, sit back, watch, drink some beer), then headed out to do some damage!

Went to Brothers Bar for all you can drink and got hammered. It was fun fun fun! I thought there were going to be more people out than there were but, it was still fun!

Cassie left me to go to the stupid north side bars! Lame, i'm glad i at least had Jen! :) She said, "oh i'll be back after one drink"...in fact she wanted me to come with! Glad i didnt, i would have been stuck there!

Moral of the story: i like to get drunk


Friday, May 14, 2010

Thursday, May 13th

So, after much request from my friends...even though i'm no longer being graded on this blog, i've decided to keep posting. :)

Sooo BOY O BOY did we go out last night!

All the events started at approximately 6:00. My last class of the semester started at 5:50 hahaha... yes, i went! All i had to do was turn in two tests and do a teacher evaluation!

Then we were off to Applebee's! --3 Mango (the best, mine), Triple Berry (Jamie), and Raspberry (Morgan)...

Then Fish's! -- 7, 14, 21 .... I took like 5 shots... Daily grind (x2), lemon drop, rumplemenz, ummmm... espresso vodka mixed with baileys, and oneee more i think but, i cant remember what it was! Oh and a limon and 7, duh!

Then we went to Brothers...let the vodka cranberry begin! Woop! -- although we didn't end up staying long, i was surely feeling a LITTLE buzzed after all those shots.

It just so happen to be my friend Brittney's birthday so we went to the Arena (puke) to see her...ladies drink for free so cassie and i had a few! haha screwdrivers all the way! Oh...funny story. My friend Rob got kicked out for putting his head under the tapper and drinking beer HAHAHA

Then off to Cocos to see Jen! :) Apparently, "you guys were hammered." --Jen
We left there and went to Bennett's to meet up with my friend Tim...i had another Limon and 7 and a few car bombs...

Minutes later, i couldn't even hold up my head so, they made me go to Ryan's couch and go to bed. They went back dt after taking me there! Those Fuckers.. :) Hahaha jk..

And apparently, i talk in my sleep...hmmm, and they wondered how i got in their house...haha! i said, idk i was hammered.

Anyway, slightly epic evening! :) haha lovely!


Saturday, May 1, 2010


I'm going to do my best to create a post tomorrow but....it's Mifflin, and 9:50am and semi drunk :/

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pub Crawl Friday April 16th

So i know this post is a few day late but, i've been super busy but...boy o boy did we ever have fun! :) For my friend Megan's school group called AMA (it's a marketing association) we went on a pub crawl to 12 bars in lovely La Crosse, WI. Boy was it a riot! I was one of only 2 people who finished the complete pub crawl with out puking and also taking a drink or shot at every bar! It was surely a night to remember. We danced on the bar, held hair for puking friends, and partied like it was 1999. I think i'm in love with pub crawls! :)

Till next time!
Fist pump :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

March 26th..i'm at a loss for word

Wellllll started out at Crystal and Sam's birthday and man did shit hit the fucking fan! Fuckkkkk! Free beer+free jello shots=fucked up kellie anne! God damn! Not only did i lose my fleece but, my screen on my phone is all cracked and fucked up too! Yea, i shouldn't be allowed to drink, this i know! I don't even really know where all we went because i was too drunk to remember. I was told today that i was near a 10 on the drunk scale. .... This just in, i just remember i did a keg stand prior to going down town. I remember some girl saying, she must be a gymnast! They were making fun of me because i pointed my toes. God damn, what a night! I will realize more as the day goes on I'm sure.

If you find a black free country jacket, it's mine!

and let me know if you remember anything else..

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Guest Writter/Irish Car Bombs! WOOP! :)

Hey everyone, i thought i would switch things up a little today so my classmate Matt is guest writting on my blog about his night and a drink recipe for one of my all time favorite drinks/shots! :) I hope you enjoy! FIST PUMP :)

It was just about a week ago a few friends and myself began our Spring Break trip to none other than Las Vegas, Nevada. We arrived at the airport around 11 p.m. and had a friend waiting to take us to our hotel and as fast as possible get out on the town. About 1 a.m. we graced Toby Keith's Country Bar with our presence and proceeded to get drinks immediately. I ordered my life long friend Marques and myself drinks which were served in what seemed to be 120 ounce mason jars and set me back $25 for the Miller Lite and Captain and Coke. By no means am I complaining because my drink had nearly 1/3 bottle of booze in it. As the night went on Marques decided since we weren't going to be together for St. Patty's, we would celebrate it that night with Irish Car Bombs for the four of us. This particular shot/drink was new to me although I had heard stories. I am not a fan of any of the ingrediants and soon came to find out once mixed, Irish Car Bombs cannot be sipped, they must be drank all at once. I planned on doing mine in parts but by the second go at it, the mix had already began curdling. Trying to "man up", I continued my attempt to slam it and in the long run ended up in the bathroom throwing it up. This was hilarious to myself and everyone else because I wasn't in Vegas more than 3 hours and had already puked. Future advice to all...if you can't slam an Irish Car Bomb, just pass, because I wasted a $12 shot haha.

Irish Car Bomb ingredients and mixing instructions: Pour half a pint of chilled Guinness into a beer mug and let it settle. Take a shot glass filled with 1/2 oz. of Irish whiskey on the bottom and 1/2 oz. of Irish cream on top. Drop the shot glass into the Guinness and chug

Check out more drink and shot recipes at my blog site: http://www.letsgettrashed.blogspot.com/

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Celtic Pub Crawl! && house party!Saturday March 13th

Talk about a fucking riot! Oh my god! Weekend started at 9 o'clock Friday night with a drive to Madison! Our arrival time was about 11pm and we let the shit show begin! :) Started off with a couple limon and 7's and some shots of good ol' soco with my baby sister, Cassie, Zac, and some random other UW-Madison students! Cassie and i then headed our asses downtown Madison! Fuck, was that ever an adventure...what was supposed to be like a 5 minute walk took us about 25 minutes because i made us turn the wrong way! Hahaha, i'm a dumb ass drunk! Anyway we went to Brother and Wandos! At Wandos we met to guys from Virouqa, what a small world?! Anyway, bars close at 2 so we head back to Karlas...i fell in the middle of University Ave. (Raining+flip flops=slippery hot mess and down for the count).. But, we did in time make it back to Karz apartment on Mifflin!

Saturday was where the real hot mess came into play! Ooooh shit! We woke up and got ready to begin our Celtic Crawl in New Glarus (Yes, that is where they brew spotted cow)! Drinking started at about noon at Cassies Aunts house! After a few adult beverages we piled all 9 of us into this ghetto ass, old pile of shit suburban! (we had a dd) Off to the bar we went... one bar after another after another! Whew! From what i remember, there were about 7 bars in the crawl and a total of 800 people participating! It was an absolute RIOT! People dancing, talking, puking, you name it!

About about 4 we headed back to Monticello where our own pub crawl continued! We hit up like 6 more bars and just kept slamming em'! At this point, i was just a fucking shit show. I might have been told i HAD to drink a water in order to get another cocktail :/ opps! Oh well, it's St. Patties day! Who gives a shit?!?!

Next up, 9:45 a good friend of mine picked me up (in his beautiful mustang, Cassie wouldn't shut up about how much she loves his car) from the bar and we made our way to a lovely house party! Beer pong, beer bongs...wooooop! My kinda place! Ha! We were drinking and having a good time then.... KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! Oh fuck, it's the police! Probably more than half the party was underage. We were not allowed to leave the house because, "the cop ran all the plates in front of the house and they're all underage". Bull shit! Half the kids there ... their parents are the owners of their cars so, fuck that dumb cop for blowing smoke up his ass and scaring him and making everyone else mega paranoid! One girl (who was COVERED IN PUKE, from drinking with her parents) did get an underage..sorry Paige! Another underage guy (who was in his moms car, because she was there to get him) got taken to jail because he had a warrant out for an unpaid ticket..and she got an open intoxicant for having a bottle of vodka in the car!! What a dum dum... anyway.. the cops never did make their way into the house but i was passed out on the couch with my friend at about oooo 5ish! Haha! Finally at 6am we got the "okay" that we could leave! :) I wasn't really happy to leave because i was having such a good time but, all nights come to an end at some time... :(

So ... as you can see it was an amazing weekend that is going to be damn near impossible to top! So, until next time....


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Blogging from my phone, taking another night off.. People are calling counselors because they think I'm an alcoholic.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Guess what I didn't do last night? Night of March 7th

I've recently been informed that blog blog is very repetitive, why don't you blog about something else? I just want to re-inform you all that blog is to do with going out and drinking. If i do not go out, there will not be a blog.

If you want I can blog about what i did do last night...nothing. I laid in my bed and watched The Crazies, did some facebooking, and some text messaging. Exciting huh? NO, thats why i don't blog about it. So, "Until next time" ...when i go out!


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Saturday March 6th...OH SHIT

I'm not 100% sure about all of what happened last night but i'm going to try to recall..please assist me with any fuzzy details..

7-10 All you can drink at broncos
This dude kept buying Cassie and i shots, i believe he said he owned River City Ready Mix ... needless to say, i don't feel bad about him "making it rain" at the pub..

...This is where it starts to get fuzzy already haha! I think Cassie saw some girl puke so she decided to puke. Then we went to Arena (puke, i fucking hate that bar...with a passion)

Went to Shooters..
Went to Bennetts (i have no idea when this was but, i remember taking a car bomb)
Went to Brothers, And i'm pretty sure this was the last bar...?
Went to Jeff & Jims, Gave them my debit card and told them to give me a piece of pizza...didn't even care what kind it was..i just wanted that damn $3 slice of goodness!
Anyway, feel free to inform me how much of a drunk i was! Hahaa! :)

Until next time,


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Where Bars outnumber grocery stores

I know this doesn't have anything to do withe me going out last night (WHICH I DIDN'T, Be impressed that this girl didn't go out on a Friday, I'm calling it more of a disapointment) But..in the mean time, check this out!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

So much for taking 3 days off of drinking... Night of Wed. March 3rd!

Pissed. We went downtown to get some wingys and guess what bar is freaking closed!? Coconut Joes! Not happy, went out specifically for wings...and, no wings! But, apparently they went out of business so we'll see! Regardless of the fact, we still went out! Lovely Bennett O Rileys...dollar rails! Vodka Cranberry is the love of my life..along with limon and 7... and keystone light! :) HAHA OHHH BOY! We didn't get too drunk but we did stay out till 2ish. Hopefully tonite with auc2d will be more entertaining! :) (I'm sure it will be)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My teacher "made" me go out! The night of Tuesday March 2nd...

So, Shelly said we had to post again for Thursday. I had no option but to go out! It just so happen to be a friends birthday so we again went to lovely Del's Bar and had a couple FANTASTIC bloody's!
After there we took a hoof to Bennett O Rileys and I was introduced to the Guinness Car Bomb! WOW, I THINK I'M IN FUCKING LOVE! I didn't think this girl would like it because i'm not a lover of Guinness but, woooop! Car bomb #1 turned in #2, #3, #4, and #5! Hahaha! God, i'm a wild child, AND I FUCKING LOVE IT! Until next time,



Sunday, February 28, 2010


First off, i want to express to you all how fucking hammered i am right now! Morgan and I woke up this morning and she said, Emily wants to get bloodys at 5. I said, LETS GO NOW! :) soooo here morgan and i go, at 10:30 AM for bloodys at Del's Bar! Wow, it didnt stop there! We picked up cassie and proceeded to go to like 5 small bars and just manage to get comply shit faced! Yes it is now 11:30, i have been drinking for a straight 13 hours... call me an alcoholic, call me whatever you want.. FUCK YOU! :) dont cramp my style...
well till next time...


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The night of Monday Feb 22nd...Only Alcoholics Get DRUNK on a Monday!

At about 6pm I text my friend Cassie and asked her if we were going out last night. She says, "No, i'm trying to save money, i need a new car." I said okay, normally she wants to go out on Mondays because she has Tuesdays off. No more than an hour later, i get a text that says "DT!!! For sure, wooooop!" It never fails that Cassie and I proceed to get hammered on a Monday...god we're alcoholics!
Started out at Brothers, had a couple $2.50 pitchers on Keystone! Took our normal break after pitcher #1...went to Cheap Shots. Tried the incredible hulk, NASTY! Then, to my favorite bar, SHOOTERS! Rudy (the bartender) informed me that in the two limon and 7's i had, i drank about 5.75 shots! :) This is why i love Shooters! Anyway, back to to Brothers for a couple more pitchers! Got fricken hammmmered! Glad i only drink on days that end in "y".

Well we'll see if i end up going tonite! Until then,


Saturday, February 20, 2010

February 19th...I fucked my shit upppp!

All you can drink at Brocos...always a bad idea! I really wanted to hear Sin for a Sin, Miranda (gotta love her) ... anyway, the dj didn't have it so he told me to bring it in sometime and he could rip it. I realize i have it in my cd player in my car now, so i leave the bar, forget there are steps and fall. Twist my ankle, hardcore. I didn't cry but my ankle is so swollen. I proceeded to drink last night, it didn't even hurt then but now, wow! I'll put some pictures up asap!
Anyway, not going out tonite, too sore!

Until next time,


Friday, February 19, 2010

Night of Thirsty Thursday Feb 18th

THURSDAYS MEAN ONE THING= BEER PONG! Unfortunately, due to the death of WTC student, Craig Meyers...the owner of both The Library and Brothers Bar decided not to have beer pong tournaments last night :( If you're wondering about the death of Meyers, see www.lacrossetribune.com...

Otherwise, i'm sure you all think i'm pretty much the worlds biggest alcoholic but, trust me...theres nothing else to do in La Crosse! And with specials like $5 all you can drink, who wouldn't drink!? Last night wasn't too exciting...got kinda drunk! Went and visit a good friend and Jeff & Jim's and he fed me! :) Yum yum! Anyway hopefully future nights out will be more to write home about! Until then....


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wing Wednesday! Feb 17th

Well I didnt get any wings last night but, wow was i drunk! Had 7 or 8 adult beverages (ice cold, Keystones) then went down to Bennett o' Rileys! Dollar rails sure as shit kicked my ass! Vodka Cranberry, I think i'm in love!!

I'm not sure where all we went for sure but, i remember being at Broncos, Brothers, and Library...wow, that was fun!


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The night of Monday February 15

I would love to have more of a post today but, cassie and I went out on a Monday.. Got very drunk and we don't remember much more..

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The night of Saturday February 13

Another eventful evening! :) BARCARDI GRAS! Went dt (sober) around midnight because I had a double date and went to see Dear John... Didn't drink too much..had to babysit the girls, they were hammmmmmered! They were more than enough to keep me busy! Ended the night with some good ol' Perkins and went home and went to sleep.. Not as exciting as previous nights but, good enough!

Fist pump!! :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The night of Friday Feb 12

Last night all started out good! Drank 7 beers and 2 shots from 10-12 at a friends (including a Fla-bongo!)...then went dt! Went to a few bars and ended up going to Broncos where someone STOLE my id out of my hand! I called the cops..and they said there wasnt anything they could do.. SOOO PISSED! FUCK! Glad i have another id so i can continue to celebrate Mardi Gras in La Crosse... but GOD DAMN FUCK SHIT PISSED! GRRRRRR!! Anyway..talk to some old friends from hs and again got some Jeff and Jims pizza! Woop, woop! :) So, going to Dear John then dt later...


Here some pics and videos from last night! :) ENJOY, WE DID!

Parking in the parking garage near Brothers.. While driving, gave some hotties the fist pump.. They did it back instantly. Fan fucking tastic.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Thirsty Thursday Feb. 11

Last night was fairly epic! :) People say Madison, WI can drink...clearly they've never been to La Crosse! Some girls and one guy, Rob..and i went to Brothers Bar and the Library Bar! Both bars had all you care to drink (auc2d) and beer pong tourneys! Rob and i were going back and fourth between both bars and ending up forfeiting our spot at the Library however, WINNING at Brothers! :) WOOOOP! Amazing! Anyway.. we also went to Shooters bar (one of my personal favs) and cheapshots! :) Sooo we won a free barrel at Brothers!!! Anyone want to come?? Finished off the night with some pizza from Jeff & Jims...amazinggg!! :)

Oh, and if anyone else remembers anything else that happened..remind me via comment!


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Welcome! :) Let the shenanigans begin!

I'm sure many of you have seen the hit show on MTV called "Jersey Shore"...but, if you haven't, be prepared for my version called Mississippi Shore! My name is Kellie and I'm a 21 year old student in a town that has 3 colleges and most bars per capita in the United States (well close, I think we're second now :) ). It is going to be my goal to share with you guys as much or as little as i remember from the night before of partying. I intend on including pictures and hopefully videos (this is mostly for my sake, to help me remember) so you guys can get a good laugh! :) Anyway, I'll be going out tonite for all you care to drink at Brothers so, look for a post tomorrow!

PS.. I was not creative enough myself to come up with this title.. I stole it from a few friends who are trying to get MTV to do a show on us! :) So, I'll do my part by blogging..who knows, maybe MTV is reading this right now!